Slob Mom Rehab

I created Slob Mom Rehab after asking myself, “Self, what do you keep searching for? What do you need? What do you wish you had?”

Angela Yoshiko - creator of Slob Mom Rehab

I’m Angela Yoshiko

I’m working on discovering the “ah-ha” that will magically flip my life of repeated frustrations and constant overwhelm into a Pinterest-perfect world of calm beauty…

Sidenote: That Pinterest-perfect world must actually contain and support all that is ME, and I’ve been told I’m a lot. You probably are too.

    If you’re caught in a similarly desperate search (or have screamed into the void at any point, “Why does everything have to be so f^$%ing HARD!?”), JOIN ME. We’re smart. We have to be able to figure this out.

    IMPORTANT: If you’ve already discovered the “ah-ha”, please get in touch with me immediately. It’s just rude to keep that shit to yourself.

    DISCLAIMER: One part of of the “all that is ME” is foul language. I plan on keeping that. If swearing and “bad words” aren’t for you, you gotta bail.

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